Our primary goal is to assist, educate, train and mentor emerging professionals...
The International Society of Filipinos in Finance and Accounting (ISFFA), formerly known as The International Society of Young Filipino Accountants (ISYFA) is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation whose primary goal is to assist, educate, train and mentor emerging professionals, both domestically as well as globally.
It is a known fact that immigrants who arrive in the United States have an extremely difficult time assimilating into the American way of life – both professionally as well as socially. Common difficulties experienced are: speech, business development, medical and dental, the U.S. banking system, lifestyle, personal practices, and cultural differences. These obstacles often times prove overwhelming to an individual with no help or mentor there to assist them.
Personal experiences from many such individuals – including many of the founding group members, demonstrated how such initial barriers left deep scars of insecurity and uncertainty thus providing effective roadblocks to development and integration into their new home and preventing them from developing professionally. Most newly arrived individuals find themselves stretched financially, due to the big gap in the currency exchange and the comparatively very high cost of living. Such individuals often have extreme difficulty in finding jobs – not only in their chosen field of study or experience, but in virtually all professions. This creates additional difficulties in providing immediate support for their families.
Andrew Guerrero
Emmanuel Mijares Jr.
Executive Vice President
Ria Coronel
John Tipsay
Ivory (Ivy) Pineda
VP of Marketing
Maria Pia Pagtalunan
VP of Scholarship
Nina Abigail (Gayle) Floresca
VP of Mentorship
Marian De Guzman
VP of Leadership
Ian Mendoza
VP of Community Service
Meet the Chicago Chapter Officers
We are an accomplished group of professionals from industries such as financial services, management consulting and healthcare. They include risk managers, tax directors, business strategists, hedge fund consultants and investment analysts.